Thursday, June 11, 2015

Reader Recommends | Mystery

Reader Recommends is a fun meme hosted by Ramblings on Readings where we recommend 3-5 books (or more!) based on certain given topics. This is a great way to see what other readers are enjoying in your favorite genres, or maybe find a new favorite series!

This Week's Topic: Mystery

What are those books that keep you guessing to the end? Maybe they’re just mysterious enough to keep you questioning the main characters motives or where the heck that crazy plot is heading. We’re sharing our favorite mystery novels this week!


 Lily Dale Series by Wendy Corsi Staub


The Triskellion Trilogy by Will Peterson


Deadly Series by Cynthia Eden


Beautiful Malice by Rebecca James


Red Nights by Shari J. Ryan

Next Week's Topic: Werewolves

Sometimes cuddly, always ferocious, werewolves really picked the short straw when it comes to supernatural abilities. That doesn’t make them any less awesome or loveable; next week we’ll share which novels include our favorite shape shifters!


1 comment:

  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ooh haven't heard of any of these and I'm always looking for a good mystery novel!! Great list!!


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