Thursday, June 18, 2015

Reader Recommends | Werewolves

Reader Recommends is a fun meme hosted by Ramblings on Readings where we recommend 3-5 books (or more!) based on certain given topics. This is a great way to see what other readers are enjoying in your favorite genres, or maybe find a new favorite series!

This Week's Topic: Werewolves

Sometimes cuddly, always ferocious, werewolves really picked the short straw when it comes to supernatural abilities. That doesn’t make them any less awesome or loveable; next week we’ll share which novels include our favorite shape shifters!


Dark Guardians Series by Rachel Hawthorne


 The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series by Maggie Stiefvater


 Raised by Wolves Series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


 Nightshade Series by Andrea Cremer


Women of the Otherworld Series by Kelley Armstrong 
(The Werewolf Centered Books)


 Eternal Wolf Clan Series by Stephanie Tyler

Next Week's Topic: Annoying Heroines

We all love annoying heroines; don’t deny it. I personally can’t get enough of the whining, the refusing to talk to my personal awesome scooby gang about my terrible, stupid ideas and therefore getting someone killed in the process. Getting saved by the new-to-town hunky British guy isn’t just an option, it’s the only way I’m getting out of this alive.

Who are the heroines that you warn your book buds to steer clear of?


1 comment:

  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    I read shiver, but I never picked up the rest of the trilogy! I probably read Shiver two or three years ago. It was one of those times where you enjoyed the book, but never took the time to read the rest of the series, you know?

    Meredith @ A Book Lover's Corner


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