Friday, February 20, 2015

Feature & Follow Friday | Fantasy or Realistic

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly book blogger meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read to help bloggers gain new followers on their site.

This week's question is:

Do you like fantasy or realistic books?

My answer:

I like fantasy books more than realistic books. I just need to get away from reality for a while and live something magical. I love stories of the impossible, because the only way to really experience them is in a book.

In my opinion, if you don't read a fantasy-type book at least once in a while, then you must have a pretty fantastic life. And good for you if you do. (I really hope that doesn't come across as snotty. It's not meant to be.)



  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    I also love to read fantasy books. I do it to escape from reality and immerse myself into new worlds hahaha. Anyways love your blog it's super cute.
    New Follower!:)
    My F&F
    (Also I'm hosting a Spotlight blog tour if you are interested click here)

    -Marii @The Words Written

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    It seems as though we all share the same sentiment, we need an escape from our reality. I'm so thankful for books because of this! Old follower :)

  3. photo%2525201

    I don't think that comment is snotty at all! I feel the same way! I love fantasy reads! Though in my answer I perceived this question a little differently. I took realistic to be in way of setting! As I did with fantasy too! I read both in that sense, but there's ALWAYS something paranormal or magical or just otherworldly going on! I'm starting to think I should just said no I don't read CONTEMPS because I don't. At all.

    I read for the most part Urban Fantasy which is our realistic world setting but throwing in some hot vamps, hot weres, and you know, other hot creatures of the night! LOL!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    Same here, people who don't need fantasy must have amazing lives! I mean, if there's the chance of reading something with dragons and magic and you turn it down! ;) Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great weekend and I'm following back!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  5. blank

    Fantasy tend to offer more. It's a whole new world where almost anything is possible.
    New follower via GFC and Bloglovin'

    Danna @ A Reading Habit

  6. Georgia

    I like a bit of both! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm an old follower. :)

  7. ripple+and+pin+2

    I started off reading fantasy but then I grew to really loving contemporaries! Now, I just read whatever I feel like :)

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

    Haha! A good fantasy is nice for the soul! The only adventures I'm getting in my life right now are the ones from books. :)

  9. me+final

    A great fantasy book is definitely a good escape from reality. Thank you for stopping by. :)
    Old follower

  10. blogger_logo_round_35

    I love fantasy! I love being able to escape and play in a world with characters that could never be real! Old follower! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. me+2+

    I agree sometimes you just need a good fantasy book to escape with. If I am in a mood where I just need a break that is the type of book I go for.
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and following =)
    I followed back =)

  12. 8ee7ac2e-1efa-4f46-a7c9-682a3112e16a_zpsm5dfnupj

    For me, it's not only about reading, it's also about writing. When I try to come up with ideas for a story, a plot with faeries and wizards and shifters seem to come so much more easily to me than a contemporary!
    Old follower. Thanks for the comment:)

  13. Holly%252520Headshot%252520November%2525202024

    I enjoy them both equally. It's more about how I relate to the characters whether I really love it or not.

    New GFC follower.
    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  14. blogger_logo_round_35

    I absolutely agree! I love escaping the stress or boringness of the real world and immerse yourself in something new! It's a cheap coping mechanism! New follower!

  15. blogger_logo_round_35

    XD It actually makes me laugh more that annoy me! I like both; it's good to escape from reality, though, I also like to get in touch with it for a while. For me is what suits you better!

    New GFC and Bloglovin follower!

    Giova @ Corazones Literarios

  16. blogger_logo_round_35

    Very well said, old GFC follower.

  17. RAR%252Bcover%252Bfor%252Bwattpad

    I totally agree with your reason for choosing fantasy books! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower!
    J.B. Kantt :)

  18. photo1679681831166
  19. blank

    No your post does not come across as snotty at all, probably because I agree with you. ;-)
    Fantasy books are a great way to escape for a while, that's true.
    Old bloglovin follower.

  20. blogger_logo_round_35

    I am a Paranormal freak but I also love some great romance anything from historical to erotic so I guess both would be my answer.

    My FF

    Old Follower

  21. blogger_logo_round_35

    I find all books to be an escape, whether fantasy or romance or historical fiction...Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you via Feedly.

  22. blogger_logo_round_35

    Thanks for stopping by mine and I've followed via GFc xx

  23. 84CDD3F7-3CBF-4E77-B24B-AB4BB6626715

    I am hoping to read more fantasy books this year..Until now I have read more realistic but hope to change that soon :)
    New GFC follower

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  24. blogger_logo_round_35

    Do check out my FF:

    Old Follower


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