Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday | Garrett by Sawyer Bennett

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights an upcoming book release that I'm looking forward to. This week I'm sharing with you the second book in the Cold Fury Hockey series, Garrett by Sawyer Bennett. This book is set to be released on February 17th, 2015 by Loveswept.

Carolina Cold Fury star Garrett Samuelson never wants to miss out on a single minute of fun. Whether he’s playing hockey, hanging out with friends, or walking the red carpet with a new date on his arm, he lives every day to the fullest. When he meets Olivia Case, he sees someone who’s exactly his type—confident, sexy, smart . . . his next fling. But the more he pursues her, the more Garrett shares a side of himself that other women don’t normally get to see.

Olivia has been keeping a secret. While Garrett lives for the next thrill, Olivia’s not sure she’ll live to see the next day. She’s undergoing treatment for some serious medical issues, and she doesn’t have time for a relationship with no guarantees—especially one with a hot-as-sin womanizer who won’t take no for an answer. But as she gets to know the real Garrett, Olivia can’t help falling for him . . . hard. To reveal the truth would mean risking everything—but you can’t score without taking the tough shots.


Why am I looking forward to reading Garrett? When I read the first book, Alex, I really enjoyed the story and characters - Garrett being one of them. His personality was so different from Alex's that he immediately drew my attention. I can't wait to see how things work out for him when he meets Olivia. I love seeing the differences between the mask he shows the world and his true face when with the woman he loves. How will he change? Will they get a HEA? Or will secrets tear them apart? I'm just a sucker for a really good romance and Garrett has all the makings to fit that description.

You can get Alex for 99 cents and preorder Garrett for $2.99 on Amazon!



  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    This book and author are new to me, I'll have to check it out.
    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie

    1. photo1679681831166

      Sawyer Bennett has a lot a great books. I would recommend any of them.

  2. blank

    Okay my stupid phone just killed my comment and I have to write it again. Grrr...
    I'm always a little bit embarrassed when I'm buying books with a sexy Cover because I always think these books should've a Cover that reflects more than ..... Pure Hotness :D but I will read this book because I'm a stupid little girly who loves romance. I'll get that under control but not anytime soon... :)

    1. photo1679681831166

      LOL! You could always buy them online, that helps curb any embarrassment I would feel buying books with "Pure Hotness" covers (<---I love that description, by the way).

  3. Profile1

    Interesting pick :) I met this author at Edinburgh Author Event last year but I have never read anything by her yet. But she is on my "to-read-author" list so hopefully I get to reading her books soon.

    1. photo1679681831166

      I would love to meet her sometime! All the books I've read by her I've really liked.

  4. Screen+Shot+2015-09-26+at+10.55.15

    Covers like that always make me wary, but the romance seems fun, I'll have to check it out :)

    1. photo1679681831166

      When I'm picking a book, I first look for a cover that draws my attention for some reason, and then I read the story to see if it's something that I would like. If a book doesn't have both of these, I probably won't read it. Although I will make an exception if I like a story but not the cover.

  5. SAM_3921

    This book is new to me. I have to admit when I saw the cover I was a bit wary but the short descriptions actually sounds really good. Thanks for bringing this book to my attention.
    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    El @ So Bookalicious

    1. photo1679681831166

      I look at cover first, but it's really the story of a book that is the deciding factor in whether I'll read it or not. In the case of Garrett, I had already read the first book in the series, so I already knew what kind of story it would be. Thanks for visiting!

  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't heard of this book before now! Sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing!

    1. photo1679681831166

      The first book, Alex, was really good, so I'm hoping for the same with Garrett.Thanks for visiting!

  7. Tammy+2015+photo

    I've never heard of these books, but I'm digging the covers, ha ha! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for visiting my WoW.

  8. blank

    Never heard of this author before but it looks interesting. And I do love hockey:)

    1. photo1679681831166

      Sawyer Bennett is a great author. I'm surprised a little at how many people haven't heard of her or her books.

  9. IMG_1193

    Haven't heard of this one before, but whoa! Sexy cover! Thanks so much for stopping by my post earlier!

    1. photo1679681831166

      Like some said earlier, "Pure Hotness." Thanks for visiting!

  10. allbookbutton

    Oooh I think I need to check this one out! Love this author!

    Thanks for stopping by My WoW

    1. photo1679681831166

      Be sure to check out the first book Alex before reading this one. Thanks for visiting!

  11. blogger_logo_round_35

    Never heard of this one. Looks good. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't read any of Sawyer Bennett's, not my type of read but loving the cover. ;)

    1. photo1679681831166

      She has a number of different kinds of stories, there may be another of her books you may be interested in. I love the cover too! :)

  13. blank

    I haven't really been reading contemporary romance lately but this sounds like it might be interesting! I hope you enjoy it, thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Denise @ Dandelionn Wine

    1. photo1679681831166

      I've been reading more contemporary lately, so that's one of the reasons I chose Garrett this week. Plus, I loved the first book Alex, so I wanted to continue the series.

  14. lrs+on+9-3

    Sounds fascinating...but it sounds like one should read the previous book(s). Enjoy! And thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. photo1679681831166

      Definitely read the first book Alex before reading this one. Garrett is introduced and you get a feel for his character in the first book.

  15. 8176f17e804811e180c9123138016265_7
  16. blank

    Sounds a bit different from the normal mold of complications in the romance genre. I hope you enjoy it :)
    Amethyst @ Gemstreet Reviews

    1. photo1679681831166

      It's a little different in some aspects to others, but also similar. But most books are like that. The always have at least one thing that sets them apart.

  17. gothic-butterfly-red-rose

    Sounds very interesting, I haven't had the chance to read any of the books in the series though. I hope you enjoy it :) Thanks for stopping by my blog today :D

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

    1. photo1679681831166

      If you're interested in reading Garrett, definitely check out Alex first.

  18. photo-1464865885825-be7cd16fad8d

    I like reads like these to read before I go to sleep, they tend to be short and sweet and this one sounds like a good read. The naughty guy showing more of himself to someone who's going to keep him in line! Thanks for sharing Christina :)

    My WoW:

    1. photo1679681831166

      The books in this series are a little bit longer than Sawyer's other books, but it's fast-paced so it doesn't take very long at all. Thanks for visiting!

  19. blank

    I have to confess that I haven't yet read any of Sawyer's books. Hopefully I'll rectify that soon!

    1. photo1679681831166

      You really should! Sawyer has a lot of other great books, and I've really enjoyed all the one that I've read.

  20. blank

    Never heard of this series before but it sounds interesting!

  21. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgVYyC2A-gXAh9SHaxUJoePnKiUsPvLbpqe8zRZBhe3FETXsaCQJpzQSvbUKlEhWtZRuCSYsTa_a4j2RvqurWOAqHqiakgAQ_nbuNfGGeYVIOV3CUIddH57zrfBBM2o-gs/s45-c/

    I have this and the first one from netgalley but I still haven't read either one but I will try and get round to them soon as they sound so good. Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog :)

    1. photo1679681831166

      I love NetGalley! I don't think I've gotten Garrett from them. I'll have to check and see! Then I can read it sooner than I was expecting to. Thanks for visiting!

  22. blogger_logo_round_35

    Never heard of this one but it sounds kinda cool. Thanks for sharing and stopping by my WoW!

    Diayll @Mother/Gamer/Writer

  23. blogger_logo_round_35

    I've enjoyed all of the Sawyer Bennett books that I've read and Alex is also on my TBR list :) I love the sound of this one so hopefully I'll start the series soon! Great pick and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf

  24. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't seen this series before, but it does sound like an intense read. I hope you love it!

  25. blogger_logo_round_35

    I love the cover! I really need to pick up a Sawyer Bennett book one of these days.

    A great WoW!

  26. blogger_logo_round_35

    Oh my, what a gorgeous cover! Very hot, haha. :D
    It definitely sounds interesting so I might check out the author - thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy! :)

    1. photo1679681831166

      Heehee! Yep! Can't go wrong with that cover! ;)
      I've read a good number of Sawyer's books, and I liked all of them. So I definitely recommend picking up one of her books.

  27. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj1qD3pip_req307SVkSnoiXUcJ5peZMAqdh8n1uE2hMCzSV8N06DCFkHSFws9_oIA6Pl6wcda6O4-Jd_sB7QoIg0smip_JF8I4yr7el9_YJTPrTOtlezoHC8j_P-MMk7g/s45-c/

    I haven't read any books by Sawyer Bennett, but I've heard a lot of great things about her! Hopefully this one is awesome for you! Thanks for sharing!

    1. photo1679681831166

      Her books are great! :) I hope it's awesome too! Thanks for stopping by!

  28. Page+Amber

    Ooooo. I like the cover. And I do like sexy books and hockey. Sounds like a nobrainer; onto the TBR.

  29. blogger_logo_round_35

    I do like strong male characters who can be tough and protective, but also soft. Thanks for stopping by my WOW last week!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  30. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ooh, this sounds really good!! I think I've seen it before, but hadn't read the synopsis. I hope you enjoy this when it comes out!! :D

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  31. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhHcuppNDo3u0adUkggUKOBPOdgfUSDtEOwwWRKKVNDwg_033PvYbWl59UXdrIaCKlmolpDcKMuc0QbvukqCaNEftW3VhQG6uUu5M13CQvsJP0vLwzHM0XyqwVKPeYzUYw/s45-c/

    Whoa! You had me at "hockey". I'm definitely checking these out! Great pick! Thanks for stopping by Michelle's Minions!

  32. blank

    I LOVED this one! Garrett was such a hottie AND a sweetie! Sawyer Bennett is one of my favorite authors :). I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Michele @


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