Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday | Manwhore by Katy Evans

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights an upcoming book release that I'm looking forward to. This week I'm sharing with you the first book in the Manwhore series, Manwhore by Katy Evans. This book is set to be released on March 24th, 2015 by Gallery Books. 

Is it possible to expose Chicago’s hottest player—without getting played?

This is the story I've been waiting for all my life, and its name is Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint. Don’t be fooled by that last name though. There’s nothing holy about the man except the hell his parties raise. The hottest entrepreneur Chicago has ever known, he’s a man’s man with too much money to spend and too many women vying for his attention.

Mysterious. Privileged. Legendary. His entire life he’s been surrounded by the press as they dig for tidbits to see if his fairytale life is for real or all mirrors and social media lies. Since he hit the scene, his secrets have been his and his alone to keep. And that’s where I come in.

Assigned to investigate Saint and reveal his elusive personality, I’m determined to make him the story that will change my career.

But I never imagined he would change my life. Bit by bit, I start to wonder if I'm the one discovering him...or if he's uncovering me.

What happens when the man they call Saint, makes you want to sin?


Why am I looking forward to reading Manwhore? Put simply? I loved Katy Evans' Real series, so I'm just really excited for a new series by her. Plus the story does sound interesting.

You can preorder Manwhore (Paperback) for $12.32 on Amazon! 



  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    New to me– but does sound interesting. Hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  2. photo%2525201

    That's a new to me one! Not my kind of read but I do hope you enjoy it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. 12509701_1196766320352203_4061522837958720172_n

    Great pick I've been dying to read a Katy Evans book for a long time now but I am kind of iffy with this one it does look and sound fantastic though so I probably will give it a go when it comes out.

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    Both the author and book are new to me. It is probably a bit outside my YA/NA comfort zone, but I really hope you enjoy it!!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW!!

  5. Kay%252527s%252Bthumbnail

    Well, it would not be a good match for me, but I certainly hope you like it. :-)

  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    Not heard of this one but it sounds interesting..hope you enjoy it. :)


  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    Sounds like an interesting read! Hope you enjoy it!

  8. winnielove2

    I've not read anything by Katy Evans, but I do hope this is as good as her last series for you! Thanks for sharing.

  9. blogger_logo_round_35

    I've never heard of this author before. The premise definitely sounds interesting :) Thanks for stopping by my WoW post! Happy reading!

  10. blank

    HaHa! Your "Why" was even the same as mine!! #manwhoretwins LOL!

  11. blank

    I think the title is enough to hook anyone! :-P

  12. profile_icon

    Not sure this one is for me but I hope you enjoy it!

  13. rEhYR2CQ_400x400

    Well, I've got my next hot read. XD

    Thanks for stopping by!

  14. blank

    Hadn't heard of this before. Hope you enjoy it!

  15. bookfever-button

    Ahhhh this book sounds awesome. It's definitely something I would love, I think!

  16. blogger_logo_round_35

    Sounds interesting! I might pick this one up!

  17. blank

    Oh my. This one sounds quite yummy. I'll have to check it out!

  18. blogger_logo_round_35

    This one is totally out of my comfort zone, haha. But hope you enjoy it when you read it! :D

  19. blogger_logo_round_35

    I've read the Real series and loved it. But I hadn't heard of this book. Just the summary alone makes me want to get my hands on it right now!! Great pick. I'll add this one to my list. Can't wait to read it.

  20. lrs+on+9-3

    This one definitely sounds exciting.....thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  21. blogger_logo_round_35

    New follower! I'm not sure about this one. The title trips me up even when the description draws me in.

    Thanks for stopping by my WOW.
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  22. blogger_logo_round_35

    You can't see me, but I'm actually fanning myself :) Great pick!

  23. blogger_logo_round_35

    This is a new to me author as well, but maybe I'll get to check her out soon! Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    Erica @ Read It. Note It.

  24. blogger_logo_round_35

    Whoa! another book by Katy Evans. And the ladies are now lining up for Saint haha

  25. sock1

    I haven't heard about this one, but you have my attention.

  26. WFW1Avatar

    I've read a couple of Katy's books. I haven't seen this book before now. I hope you enjoy reading it!
    Thanks for stopping by My WoW.

  27. 10425146_1542623356018650_8794198790008188222_n

    New to me! The author and the series.. I will have to check her out.

    Here's my WoW:

  28. blogger_logo_round_35

    It looks interesting but not usually my type of book. Hope you like it though.☺

  29. blogger_logo_round_35

    I've never heard of this one! I hope you enjoy this book when you read it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  30. gothic-butterfly-red-rose

    Good pick! I hope you enjoy it :D Thanks for stopping by my blog today (:

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  31. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't read anything by Katy Evans, but this one sounds like an entertaining read. :)

  32. blogger_logo_round_35

    This one is new to me. Sounds interesting though.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  33. 100_1243

    Thanks for stopping by today. I haven't heard this one, but hope you enjoy it. :)

  34. Page+Amber

    This author is new to me. It sounds interesting, and I can use a new sexy series. Thanks!

  35. 112

    This might not be a book for me, but I hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW earlier. :)

  36. blogger_logo_round_35

    Love this book! Can't wait for you to read it :) Great pick!

  37. IMG_1193

    Whoa! Sounds like a very sexy story! Hope you get it soon and can enjoy it! Thanks for visiting my WOW earlier!

  38. square+icon2

    This does sound interesting, although it's not my usual type of read. Hope you enjoy it!
    Thanks for visiting my WoW @ the NerdHerd Reads

  39. Tammy+2015+photo

    I've never heard of this, but hope you get the chance to read it soon. Thanks for visiting my wow!

  40. Georgia

    This does sound interesting! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  41. IMG_5648

    This one has gotten some really good early review, so I'm curious. great pick

  42. Anime+Girl+23

    Great pick :) I didn't know that Katy Evans had a new series. Can't wait to read :)

  43. blank

    Not my kind of read, but it sounds interesting! :)

  44. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj355YeV44t7_CblzqhL32pLZv5ZvLAa4V1v-IBRtXA4P6PYwY74zt0XED5d9oK9DhufYTLicvdotGqg8sqyuPdhDhpB3tuMfWC-zUpIYkcNTm5yeVs4EpT50UEhl96s-0/s45-c/
  45. o-DOG-READING-A-BOOK-facebook

    It sounds like one of those amazing love stories in which they reluctantly start to like each other;) And I love that he's called Saint:P
    Great pick!
    Maya @ anotheronceuponatime

  46. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't heard of this one before, hope you enjoy it! And thanks for stopping by :)

  47. paper+bindings+icon

    I'm not sure how I feel about the title. (Lately it seems all the male characters I meet are manwhores....) but if does sound interesting, so I may have to give the book a try.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

  48. blogger_logo_round_35

    What a great cover!!! And that sounds like a great movie too!!!! :)

  49. blogger_logo_round_35

    This sounds like a really good book to look forward to reading. I think I haven't read any from this author yet and I'm curious about her writing style. From the looks of this one, she writes sexy books. But I was wondering if her books have humor in them too? :) Thanks for sharing!

  50. blogger_logo_round_35

    Not really my cup of tea but I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by my WoW last week, new follower!

    My WoW

    Diayll @Mother/Gamer/Writer

  51. blank

    I have this one on my TBR list as well. She's a new to me author, but this book sounds great!

  52. blogger_logo_round_35

    I want to read this one sooo bad!


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