Monday, February 23, 2015

Blog Award | Versatile Blogger Award


The Versatile Blogger Award is the best of the ‘chain letter’ awards out there in the blogosphere. Bloggers can only nominate each other for this award and when a blogger nominate another for this award, he/she looks out for the the quality of the writing, the uniqueness of the subjects covered, the level of love displayed in the words on the virtual page, or of course, the quality of the photographs and the level of love displayed in the taking of them.

Thanks go to Aditi at Book Stop Corner and Georgia May at TeenBookHoots for nominating me for this award!!

Rules of Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Nominate 15 other bloggers relatively new to blogging
2. Let the bloggers know that you've nominated them.
3. Share 10 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who nominated you either by leaving a comment or following them and link back to their blog.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

10 Random Facts About Me:

1. I used to hate the color purple, but now it's my favorite color.
2. The index and middle fingers on my hands are slightly bent from being slammed in doors multiple times as I was growing up.
3. I played volleyball for my school when I was in 8th grade.
4. I lettered in Key Club.
5. I absolutely, 100% loathe the Space Balls movie.
6. Me and my younger brothers were all born premature. (My youngest brother died as a baby because he was born too sick).
7. I have social anxiety. Sometimes it's so bad that I either get sick or can't talk at all.
8. I have never been outside the state of Minnesota.
9. I can't drive a motor vehicle. I don't have a license.
10. I'm terrified of birds and bees.

My Versatile Blogger Award Nominations:

Book Cat Pin
Palmer's Page Turners
The Hardcover Lover
Wonderland's Reader
My Little Corner for Books
Raining Books and Words
I Sold My Soul for Books
Adventures of a Reader
Bibliophilic Madness



  1. Lori%252520Bree%252520Reads
  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hey thanks and my pleasure :-) So sorry to hear about your younger brother :-(

  3. Georgia

    I don't like bees too! No problem, it's my pleasure. :)


I love reading comments from my visitors - your thoughts on the post, questions you have for me, or just to say hi - all I ask is that you are respectful to me and anyone else who comments on the posts. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll consider sharing this post on your various social sites.

ATTENTION: Any award nominations and TAGS need to be posted to the comments of my About page from now on!

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