Monday, March 2, 2015

Blog Award | Very Inspirational Blogger Award, Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, and The Liebster Award

I'd like to thank Lori at Palmer's Page Turners for nominating me for the following three blog awards: The Very Inspirational Blogger Award, Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, and the Liebster Award! Lori, you and your blog ROCK! Thank you! ♥ ♥ ♥

First up is the Very Inspirational Blogger Award:

  • Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you. 
  • List the rules and display the award. 
  • Share seven facts about yourself. 
  • Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated. 
  • Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

7 Facts About Me:
  1. My favorite charity is the March of Dimes
  2. I've had many embarrassing and painful moments when I was hit in the head with some kind of ball - volleyball, basketball, snowball...
  3. I love sewing dresses
  4. If I ever travel these are the only countries I want to visit - Japan, Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales
  5. I love music in foreign languages - like Japanese, Korean, Gaelic, Spanish
  6. I have astigmatism in my left eye
  7. I was born on Memorial Day, when it's the actual day, as well as the day it's observed (Monday is when it's observed in May and the 30th is the actual day).

Next is the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link back to their site. 
  • Post the award's logo onto your blog. 
  • Answer the 10 questions you've been asked. 
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers and ask them 10 questions.

I'm going to answer the same questions for this award and the next.

Finally, the Liebster Award:

  • Award to bloggers with less than 200 followers 
  • Ask 11 new questions to ask those I nominate

Here are my answers to Lori's questions:

1. What is your favorite book you've read so far in 2015?

A: White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout

2. Do you prefer physical books or ebooks? 

A: Physical books, because eBooks seem to have a lot of editing problems.

3. Describe your ideal reading spot.

A: Really anywhere comfy is ideal for me.

4. Adults reading YA: OK or Not OK?

A: OK. I'm an adult and I read YA. The only time age matters is if you're under 18 and you want to read an adult book. That's a no-no.

5. Book you're most excited to read in 2015? (It doesn't have to be a new release) 

A: That's a hard one. Off the top of my head, I'd have to say While You Were Gone by Amy K. Nichols

6. What is your biggest bookish pet peeve? 

A: Food crumbs and smudges in books. Eating while reading is fine (I do it all the time) but please make sure not to get any of it in the book. It's disgusting and it makes the book smell bad.

7. Do you let others borrow your books? Why or why not?

A: I've never had anyone ask to borrow one of my books, but if I did I'd let them borrow it as long as they promise to be careful with it. I'd want them to pay for or replace the book if it's damaged in their care, though.

8. What time of day do you prefer to read? 

A: Night. Usually really late.

9. What book would you recommend to a non-reader to get them excited about reading?

A: would depend on what genres they are interested in. But I would probably recommend my all-time favorite series/world - the books in the Shadowhunter Chronicles.

10. What else do you enjoy doing in addition to reading? 

A: Sewing and photography.

11. What is your favorite thing about being a book blogger?

A: Learning about new books and meeting all the amazing people in the book blogger world.

Nominations (for all 3 awards):

Lizzie the Sarcastic Blonde
Jacque's Book Nook
Life is Reading and TV
Michelle's Minions
My Thoughts... Literally!
So Bookalicious!
The Hardcover Lover
Cajun Book Lover
Toot's Book Reviews
Reading and Things

Here are your questions:

  1. What would you say is the best book you've read up to this point?
  2. What does a character need to make you fall in love with them?
  3. Who is your current book boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. Where do you shop the most often for your books?
  5. Do you have a certain kind of system when choosing your next book or do you just pick one randomly?
  6. How long have you been book blogging?
  7. Favorite reading snack? Yes? No? What is it?
  8. What kind of features on a book cover draw your attention the most?
  9. What was the last book you read that you gave 5 stars?
  10. Have you ever given a book a rating of less than 2 stars? What book was it and why?
  11. What is the latest you ever stayed up reading?

Thanks once again to Lori and congrats to those I've nominated!


  1. I feel your pain--I have astigmatism in BOTH eyes. Made adjusting to contacts not a fun experience! Great answers to the questions!! Love reading your blog :)

  2. I finally got around to doing at least part of this! Hopefully I can get the rest done soon. You can see my Very Inspiring Blogger Award HERE

    Thanks for nominating me!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions


I love reading comments from my visitors - your thoughts on the post, questions you have for me, or just to say hi - all I ask is that you are respectful to me and anyone else who comments on the posts. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll consider sharing this post on your various social sites.

ATTENTION: Any award nominations and TAGS need to be posted to the comments of my About page from now on!

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