Friday, May 22, 2015

Feature & Follow Friday | Writing Reviews

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly book blogger meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read to help bloggers gain new followers on their site.

This week's question is:

How do you write your reviews?

My answer:  

Oh actually takes me a while to write a book review. It seems like I can write reviews for movies or TV shows a lot easier that I can write book reviews. I think it may be because I feel more pressure to get a book review absolutely perfect. So I think about what I want to write for a while and then hope that the finished product is as good as it sounded in my head.

My book reviews include first a cover review, then the book review, and finally my rating. 



  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    It can take me a while to write reviews. I want them to be perfect and I don't want to miss anything! So much pressure!

    Lizzie @

  2. photo%2525201

    Nice! I personally cannot wait to write a review. In the sense that I literally need to write the review once I'm done. I can't read a new book until the old one is reviewed. Otherwise details will be lost and I'll cross wires with feels and such for other reads!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Sometimes I think of something really profound to say while I'm reading, and that's when I'll make a quick note. Usually, I'm not that good, and I guess I'm not that picky about what I say as long as I can get my feelings across. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    Sometimes I takes me a while to write my reviews too, but other times I can write one in like 10 minutes. It just depends on the book I guess.
    New bloglovin' follower :)

    Joana @ The Boundless Book List

  5. MomwithReadingButton

    It takes me a while to write reviews too, especially if it's a book I didn't care for. If it's a book I love however, it's like I get verbal diarrhea and I'm done in 10 minutes lol!

    New follower on Bloglovin

  6. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhINUUtxpWt8RyEcP_PAJOl5KnwxnfCggWb5KqUsdvCrZ3mMLDin9vn3Vh8IFRa7fPVyvjUkBhdCNF4a3bSeygSmkSMy_fEZ_gwk5M4KdRty9SN2Ri1TJ6hDiv0w7QdzA/s45-c/

    Yes, it can take a while to write reviews! I usually get a little nervous before I start. Sometimes I even put off starting a review, because I'm not sure what to write. There are books that have that kind of effect on me. Most of the time, though, the words start to flow as soon as I start typing. Then I do a LOT of revising, until I get it just right!

    I'm now following you with GFC! Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my FF post!! : )

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    I was having a conversation with my husband yesterday about movie reviews vs. book reviews. We were talking about how we rarely agree with professional movie reviewers but that, provided the blogger shares my taste in books, I generally always agree with a book reviewer's review. I think book reviewers just look deeper. When we review movies or tv, it's all about the entertainment factor, but with books, it's so much more and deeper than that. My $0.02 anyway.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress' FF

  8. blank

    Yep, I totally get what you mean. I like to have a bit of time after reading a book before actually setting out to write a review. That, or I'll just write out some quick things in pointform that I know I'll want to mention in my review, then come back to it the next day to write out fully. I've also noticed that it's way harder to write a review for a book I really love than it is for one that's just okay... heh.

  9. the-candid-cover

    I like to move on to the next book, so I write my reviews pretty quickly. I wish that I had the patience to take my time, though. Old follower :)

  10. blogger_logo_round_35

    It takes me a while to write my reviews too, because oftentimes my thoughts are disorganize after finishing a book. Haha!

  11. me+final

    Book reviews are a little harder to write sometimes. Totally agree. Thank you for stopping by. :)
    Old follower

  12. blogger_logo_round_35

    I have to agree with you Stina, book reviews are a bit more daunting to write as opposed to movie reviews. It takes me a great while to jot my down :/

  13. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZnyKzZWq_XTrIMBCV3bX71wAZPUK9XNkIyw9p7bDS4W9in0UC_BraiJ6lHr_KBhTr1inC7jne3iNWYXeqiliKcp83WP3QnUTvZA4XBXp0aqYij4kfqIQWxAtP2IJh/s45-c/

    I can take ages to write a review too. It's hard work! I think I'd probably have an easier time writing reviews of movies & tv shows. Probably because describing the mood or tone, etc, is a little easier when it's visual. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :-)

  14. blogger_logo_round_35

    I definitely feel a lot of pressure to get my reviews perfect too. It's frustrating when you can't quite get your thoughts written down properly.

    Thanks for visiting! :)

  15. blank

    Sometimes it can take me a while to ponder a book review as well.
    Old bloglovin follower.
    Happy weekend!

  16. blogger_logo_round_35

    It's interesting that you said TV and movie reviews are so much easier -- I'm the opposite with some of those types of reviews. I tend to ponder what sort of deeper meaning etc etc that I'm missing, resist the urge to read other reviews of the ep or movie and somehow end up putting a gut-reaction sort of review up anyway. But it's tough road getting there lol! New Bloglovin' follower!

  17. blogger_logo_round_35

    I hate it when I think of something and it sounds absolutely brilliant in my head but the minuet I get it written or typed out I realize what an epic fail it really is. This happens to me quite a bit. There is always some huge disconnect between my brain and my pen or keyboard lol. I'm not sure if I could write reviews for TV/Movies. All I'd be able to come up with is *Awesome* *Meh* or *Yuck* lol.I'll quit rambling now. Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Old Follower.

  18. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgGVvZIOhk9EjfyPnAFUESbr-P8J25hA5SeSiKIl4bC2HBG0QjthRcwgDZPY3vY5luxWthE9RA2bz0jtCxaW0Q_V0TuLRmRvp63AvUvxT4WsfmAedIgzvzBBNan6uXDFw/s45-c/

    I think I would benefit from taking more time to write out my reviews. After visiting several blogs I think I may go back to that. Thanks for stopping by My FF
    . Old Follower Bunnita @ Worth Reading It?

  19. blogger_logo_round_35

    I'm like you, it can take me several days to get a review written, especially those tricky books where you're not quiet sure what to rate it!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog & following, I'm now following you on Bloglovin' & GFC :)

  20. IMG_2438

    Hahaha my answer is similar to yours! Thanks for stopping by our blog.
    Following you back via GFC :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  21. blogger_logo_round_35

    I also struggle with perfectionism when it comes to writing book reviews!

    Old Bloglovin' follower; new Google+ follower! :)

  22. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhcTyMPwvh24AFGiJcCqheb6Z9Fe6b5vnUXMCj4jfF9ABaRGqMhiutNnjQi-HSOEa7LK50YVbapExzZu705E3beZcOhvP9ovHxPlZyZAHEC1WvyGMRApyM7TNUaItKf-hc/s45-c/

    I try to write my reviews as soon as I finish a book but it still takes me ages to finish them.
    Thanks for visiting.


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