Friday, March 27, 2015

Feature & Follow Friday | BEA Attendance

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly book blogger meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read to help bloggers gain new followers on their site.

This week's question is:

Have you ever been to BEA, if so what was your favorite experience there?

My answer: 

Unfortunately, I haven't been to any kind of convention, except my Key Club's Spring Convention my senior year (but that doesn't count).

I really want to go to BEA and all the other awesome conventions out there, but I just can't afford it. I don't have the money for the tickets, the travel, the rooming, and whatever else you need to pay for. So, no go.

I also have pretty bad social anxiety, so large gatherings of people is really hard for me. If I were with another person who could act as a kind of buffer (that sound kind of bad), then I'd have less problems with going. But I have no bookish friends here in Minnesota. :(



  1. lexxie+avatar

    Hopefully, one day, you'll feel close enough to one or two of your blogger friends to share a room with them, and have them help you buffering :)
    Have a great weekend!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  2. twitter+pic

    I totally understand! I have social anxiety too, but I'm okay if attention isn't on me. Old follower :)

    Here's my F&F!

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    I hear ya about the money and traveling and all. I'd totally go with you though, if either of us could afford it. :D Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend! :D

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    I totally understand! I get really nervous when I'm surrounded by people who are strangers. But I still really want to go! Old follower!

    Lizzie @

  5. blank

    I hope you get a chance to go one day! I want to go, but just haven't had a chance.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you at bloglovin!

    My F&F
    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  6. the-candid-cover

    I agree! Far too expensive! One day I would like to go, though;) old follower:)

  7. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhcTyMPwvh24AFGiJcCqheb6Z9Fe6b5vnUXMCj4jfF9ABaRGqMhiutNnjQi-HSOEa7LK50YVbapExzZu705E3beZcOhvP9ovHxPlZyZAHEC1WvyGMRApyM7TNUaItKf-hc/s45-c/

    Thanks for following! I've followed you back via GFC

  8. me+final

    There are book conventions I really want to go to as well. Thank you for stopping by. :)
    Old follower

  9. blogger_logo_round_35

    Old follower

    I don't like crowds too. And yes, there's always money stopping us from doing things that we like!

    Jocelyn @ Jooniel Obsesses over Stories

  10. blogger_logo_round_35

    I hear you! Totally understand about the social anxiety too! hopefully in future both of us get to go :)
    Thank you for stopping by! Old follower!

  11. blogger_logo_round_35

    I feel you about the anxiety. I've been invited for drinks after the London Book Fair and I don't know *anybody* and I'm ever so slightly terrified.
    Conventions are great though, especially geeky ones as everyone is really friendly and we all remember when it was our first time. I've heard that BEA is a nightmare though as far as crowds and pushy people are concerned, which is a shame. :(

    Regular follower and thanks for stopping by mine xx

  12. blogger_logo_round_35

    I totally understand! Hopefully one day you'll find someone to go with!
    Old follower :)
    Here's my FF!

  13. 0BC58715-9B44-491A-B99D-44D3A12CAF81

    I haven't been either and from all the blog's I've been visited, it seems like not a lot of other bloggers have as well. I want to go but the BEA would seriously leave me broke, so don't worry.

    New follower!

    Betsy @ I Sold My Soul For Books

  14. blogger_logo_round_35

    I have social anxiety too. I know exactly what you mean about needing a buffer. I would have to bring my husband or my mom along with me. I think I'd be ok with it then. The money is a whole other problem though. Maybe someday. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  15. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't been either but I hope we can both make it some day! (:

    Old follower! Thank you for stopping by!

  16. blogger_logo_round_35

    Large crowds make me antsy too, I would definitely have to go with someone I am extremely comfortable with :)

    Old Follower!

  17. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgGVvZIOhk9EjfyPnAFUESbr-P8J25hA5SeSiKIl4bC2HBG0QjthRcwgDZPY3vY5luxWthE9RA2bz0jtCxaW0Q_V0TuLRmRvp63AvUvxT4WsfmAedIgzvzBBNan6uXDFw/s45-c/

    Crowds put me off a little too. I have to know where I can get out if there's an emergency but that's actually anywhere I go. O_o
    Thanks for visiting mine

    Old Follower
    Worth Reading It?

  18. picutre_of_cayt

    I can definitely relate! I'm super shy and I have social anxiety so I do go to conventions but I barely ever talk to anyone. I go with my husband but he's just as shy, if not more, than I am, so he's no help. Haha! They say just chat up everyone you meet and you'll make new friends. I'll try harder next time I go. BEA seems really huge so I think I'd do better are smaller conventions.

    Old follower!
    My FF!

  19. blogger_logo_round_35

    Old follower. I totally agree with you on the money thing! Sometimes things are too expensive.

  20. cupid

    I feel ya! Don't have any bookish friends that are going. It's a 6 hr drive. But alone...


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