Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reader Recommends | Ghost Stories

Reader Recommends is a fun meme hosted by Ramblings on Readings where we recommend 3-5 books (or more!) based on certain given topics. This is a great way to see what other readers are enjoying in your favorite genres, or maybe find a new favorite series!

This Week's Topic: Ghost Stories

Usually creepy, though occasionally fun and zany, ghost stories have been scaring kids at campfires for years. What are your favorite spectre tales?

So it turns out that I've read quite a lot of books with ghosts in them, which is interesting since ghosts aren't my favorite supernatural creatures. Here are just a few of the ghost stories I've read...

by Lisa Schroeder
My Rating: 4 Stars

This book is a really heartbreaking romance where this girl, Ava loses her boyfriend Jackson in a tragic accident. As she tries to work through her grief, Jackson comes back. She can only really interact with him in her dreams and she kind of becomes consumed with trying to continue where they left off. Lisa Schroeder's writing is so powerful that you really feels Ava's heartbreak, her grief, and her guilt.

by Nancy Springer 
My Rating: 3 Stars

This is a really creepy psychological thriller about a girl who is being possessed by her dead brother. Jessie and her mother are both devastated by Jason's death, and the only way for Jessie to get through to her mother is to pretend to be Jason. But as she continues to do this, things get really weird.

by Paula Morris
My Rating: 4 Stars

Usually any ghost story that takes place in New Orleans is going to be good. Rebecca moves to New Orleans to live with her aunt while her father is traveling. She doesn't feel like she fits in anywhere. Then one night in Lafayette Cemetery, Rebecca meets Lisette who is more than she seems. There are a lot of secrets and hidden agendas. And the history of the city is also beautifully written in this story too.

by Lisa McMann
My Rating: 4 Stars

This book takes place in a small town where kids are going missing. Kendall is a girl with OCD and as she starts putting the pieces together about what is really happening, she doesn't know if it's real or just a product of her OCD. Cryer's cross is dark, chilling, and creepy in all the best ways.

by Jennifer Archer
My Rating: 5 Stars

Through Her Eyes takes readers from present day to back in the past, as Tansy learns more about her Papa Dan's past with Henry, a young man who killed himself in the house she's currently living in. This was one of the best romantic ghost stories I've ever read. Just as Tansy gets drawn into the past, readers get drawn into this story.

by Randy Russel
My Rating: 4 Stars

In life, Jana and her boyfriend Michael were in love, so when she dies she believes that Michael will join her soon. Dead Rules is a story about obsession. Jana is so deluded by her love for Michael, that she doesn't see the truth of her relationship with him and how she died. She's so focused on getting Michael to the other side with her, that she doesn't see the boy she can actually have. When you read the tagline on the cover that says, "She loved her boyfriend to death," it should be taken in a more literal sense.

Next Week’s Topic (March 19): Zombies

Similar to ghosts, these guys just want to complete some unfinished business…and it most likely consists of eating your brains. Lets make a solid list of zombie books for the blogosphere to check out!


1 comment:

  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    I love that you gave a rating for each as well! These sound so great...and so eerie! I'm definitely adding them to my TBR pile :)

    Thanks for participating!

    Jessica @ Ramblings on Readings


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