Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday | The Unleashing by Shelly Laurenston

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights an upcoming book release that I'm looking forward to. This week I'm sharing with you the first book in the Call of Crows series, The Unleashing by Shelly Laurenston. This book is set to be released on March 31st, 2015 by Kensington. 

Winging It

Kera Watson never expected to face death behind a Los Angeles coffee shop. Not after surviving two tours lugging an M16 around the Middle East. If it wasn't for her hot Viking customer showing up too late to help, nobody would even see her die.

In uncountable years of service to the Allfather Odin, Ludvig "Vig" Rundstrom has never seen anyone kick ass with quite as much style as Kera. He knows one way to save her life--but she might not like it. Signing up with the Crows will get Kera a new set of battle buddies: cackling, gossiping, squabbling, party-hearty women. With wings. So not the Marines.

But Vig can't give up on someone as special as Kera. With a storm of oh-crap magic speeding straight for L.A., survival will depend on combining their strengths: Kera's discipline, Vig's loyalty... and the Crows' sheer love of battle. Boy, are they in trouble.


Why am I looking forward to reading The Unleashing? I've read some of Shelly Laurenston's books and loved them, and The Unleashing is different from her other books. And I love stories that have Norse mythology, so I think that this could be a really interesting addition to her collection of stories. Plus, the Crows sounds like they could be hilarious. 

You can preorder The Unleashing for $9.99 on Amazon! 



  1. photo%2525201

    Nice pick! That's a new to me one! Hope you enjoy it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhHcuppNDo3u0adUkggUKOBPOdgfUSDtEOwwWRKKVNDwg_033PvYbWl59UXdrIaCKlmolpDcKMuc0QbvukqCaNEftW3VhQG6uUu5M13CQvsJP0vLwzHM0XyqwVKPeYzUYw/s45-c/

    This sounds really cool! It's new to me, too! Thanks for sharing it! Great pick!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My WoW

  3. SAM_3921

    Hadn't heard of this one before, I hope you like it :D
    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  4. Tammy+2015+photo

    I've never read this author before, but it does sound pretty good:-D Thanks for visiting my WOW!

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hope you find it's worth the wait. Happy reading!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. blank

    This sounds really cool. Hope you enjoy it!

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    New to me but sounds like it has promise. Hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  8. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgAeJHGGfYKWA_ODs_L69KOzSnLLxZnRApp9vtZPIclESGEewpWTwsCCtAB-Eut-eIFTmeBQSITMX_K2kmiNqsngMH6_nDeQL37NAGvjvuI7kJl4Ic4nVCUDA6gAE8In4A/s45-c/

    I haven't heard of this book until now but it sounds great!

  9. blogger_logo_round_35

    This one sounds intense! Hope you like it!

  10. IMG_0971

    Sounds good. I'll have to check it out. New follower via Bloglovin'.Thanks for coming by My WoW

  11. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't heard of this one before, but I love mythology! It sounds pretty good!
    Ariel @ Bookish Confessions

  12. blogger_logo_round_35

    I hope we both enjoy this book. I'm excited that I only have to wait a month for it to come out!! :D

  13. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't heard of this author or this book! It sounds really good and I like how it has Norse mythology!

    Lizzie @

  14. blogger_logo_round_35

    Love the sound of this one. Ooh, and that cover, so hot!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  15. Button_zps5299ecff

    I have this one on my TBR list as well! Looks good :)

  16. 15928872

    Oh this sound interesting, i might pick this up :]

    Thanks for stopping by!

  17. 12509701_1196766320352203_4061522837958720172_n

    Great Pick I also like Norse myth and this one looks and sounds fantastic! Thanks for visiting my WOW.

  18. IMG_1193

    Haven't heard of this one, but what a sexy cover! Great pick! Thanks for visiting my post earlier.

  19. blogger_logo_round_35

    Great pick! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog!

  20. blogger_logo_round_35

    I'm not familiar with this one but ooooo, I love the cover ;) I hope you enjoy it when you read it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  21. Photo2

    Interesting! Sounds like a good one! Thanks for stopping by my WoW! :)

  22. blank

    Totally new to me, but it sounds intriguing! And that cover alone is enough to make me take a double take! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my STS @ Addicted Readers! :)

  23. twitter+pic

    I haven't heard of this one!! That cover though... Gah! Thanks for sharing :)

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  24. gothic-butterfly-red-rose

    Now this book is new to me! I hope you like it :) Thanks for stopping by my blog today :)

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  25. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEidH_w_Ie4Vmg_rDo4L7OFEW4PLZ4rkMGmNx5FTxgIqAABzuah5tSOdvmXSC6-4gop9SaI5No4tdB1GETc9ccD_PzhsHmNJs9SaxLrGEnk8ipD7WxxAJX1kO-ZXFPNgPto/s45-c/

    Holy moly! I just put it on my book wish list. This book sounds amazing - thanks for sharing! And thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

  26. lexxie+avatar

    Unleashing sounds amazing, Christina! I love Norse mythology, and having a Viking transform Kera into one of the crows is really appealing. Adding to my TBR :) Thanks for sharing!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  27. Anime+Girl+23

    Great choice! I’ve not heard of this series but I hope you enjoy this book when it comes out!

  28. 112

    I'm not sure if this is a book for me, but I hope you'll like it. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW earlier. :)

  29. blogger_logo_round_35

    I hadn't heard of this one, but it sounds good. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  30. photo-1464865885825-be7cd16fad8d

    Definitely haven't heard of this author before but I am distracted by the cover :p haha :') Thank you for sharing! :-)

  31. blogger_logo_round_35

    I don't think that's something for me, although I really like the cover ... hmmm. I just hope you enjoy it once it's out! :D

    Yvonne @ A world between folded pages

  32. blogger_logo_round_35

    Yaaaas honey! I had this one on a few WoW posts ago. Great pick and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Diayll @Mother/Gamer/Writer

  33. blogger_logo_round_35

    This book and author are both new to me. I rally hope you enjoy it!! Thanks for stopping by my WoW!!

  34. blogger_logo_round_35

    I have seen this book around a lot on goodreads, so nice pick. Thank you for following me, I am a new follower here as well :)
    My WoW

  35. allbookbutton

    Oh this is totally new to me -- sounds great!!

    Thanks for stopping by My WoW!

  36. blogger_logo_round_35

    I'm definitely a fan of Norse Mythology so this one sounds interesting!
    Stefani @ Caught Read Handed

  37. blogger_logo_round_35

    Not read this author but the book sounds good. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  38. blank

    I haven't heard of this one, but it sounds interesting. *adds to TBR* Thanks for sharing!

  39. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ooh, I haven't heard of this, but it sounds fun! Norse mythology is always a win! :D Great pick!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  40. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj355YeV44t7_CblzqhL32pLZv5ZvLAa4V1v-IBRtXA4P6PYwY74zt0XED5d9oK9DhufYTLicvdotGqg8sqyuPdhDhpB3tuMfWC-zUpIYkcNTm5yeVs4EpT50UEhl96s-0/s45-c/
  41. blogger_logo_round_35

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love this cover.

  42. blogger_logo_round_35

    I haven't heard of this one. Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Leydy @ OUaT

  43. marilyn

    I haven't heard of this, but it sounds interesting. I like books that incorporate mythology. I hope you love it! Great pick!

  44. IMG_5648

    Oh wow that is an awesome cover and this book sounds great. Awesome pick!

  45. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ooh, I love the sound of this book! And the cover. I hope you enjoy this book when it comes out and thanks for stopping by my blog!


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