Thursday, May 14, 2015

Reader Recommends | Main Characters with Baggage

Reader Recommends is a fun meme hosted by Ramblings on Readings where we recommend 3-5 books (or more!) based on certain given topics. This is a great way to see what other readers are enjoying in your favorite genres, or maybe find a new favorite series!

This Week's Topic: Main Characters with Baggage

Not the kind you take on an airplane. Baggage of the emotional variety is our driving force today; the main character has some terrible event in their past that affects their present life and relationships.


Darkfever (Fever#1) by Karen Marie Moning
Emotional Baggage: Sister's mysterious death


Shiver (Wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
Emotional Baggage: Wolf attack


Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison
Emotional Baggage: Bullying
Warning: You'll need a box of tissues.


Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder
Emotional Baggage: Death of boyfriend and friend, haunting


The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #1) by Michelle Hodkin
Emotional Baggage: Lone survivor of an accident that killed her friends, 
people around her are dying, intense flashbacks and nightmares


Reality Boy by A.S. King
Emotional Baggage: Childhood abuse by sibling, 
made worse by a reality TV show, no one did anything to stop it

Next Week’s Topic: Best Girl in a Prom Dress Books

You see the covers everywhere: it’s a current trend for YA books to feature a gorgeous girl in an equally gorgeous prom dress on the cover. But which books are actually worth picking up? Find out next week!



  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    I don't mind when my characters have some emotional baggage. Great recs, especially Mara Dyer. My fav <3

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    I actually haven't read any of these - which surprises me, since I love to read about characters with emotional baggage. Always makes for an rollercoaster sort of read.

    Thanks for the recommendations, Stina. I'll definitely be adding some of these to my TBR list!

    Shaunna @ Books Over Bros

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Mara Dyer, Shiver, Darkfever....such good choices!!! I haven't read the others, but I'll be checking them out! I'm about to re-read Mara Dyer because I need to read the third one (and I definitely don't remember any of the details lol)


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