Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Sunday Post | Issue #1

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. This is your news post, so personalize it! Include as much as you want or as little. Be creative, it can be a vlog or just a showcase of your goodies. Link up once a week or once a month, you decide. Book haul can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books..share them!

Issue #1 - October 18, 2015 to October 24, 2015

Hello, everyone! This is my first Sunday Post!

Not much has happened in my life this week. Mostly I've just been sick and feeling kind of miserable. I haven't even been able to read all the much either, which has made things even more depressing. Add to that the clouding and rainy weather, and it's just not a fun atmosphere to be in. I've mostly been watching anime and every once in a while reading some manga to take my mind off it. Oh, and napping. Lots of napping.

This Week on Once Untold:

  1. Sale Blitz | Home To You By Taylor Sullivan | Giveaway
  2. Book Tour | Bash Volume 1 By Candace Blevins | Giveaway
  3. Book Review | Touching Fate By Brenda Drake | Giveaway **This review will be updated once I'm feeling better**
  4. NEW RELEASE | Dragon Song By Tara West
  5. NEW RELEASE | The Missing One By Liz Lovelock | Giveaway
  6. NEW RELEASE | Snowbound By C.J. Martin | Giveaway
  7. NEW RELEASE | The Rocker Who Betrays Me By Terri Anne Browning | Giveaway
  8. NEW RELEASE | The Absence Of Olivia By Anie Michaels | Giveaway
  9. Book Tour | Five Past Midnight‏ Box Set By Robin Bielman, Robyn Bachar, Cassi Carver, Anne Hope & Corrina Lawson
  10. Waiting On Wednesday | Dark Heart Of Magic By Jennifer Estep + Omega By Lizzy Ford
  11. Book Blitz | Pretty When You Cry By Skye Warren | Giveaway
  12. Graphic Novel Spotlight | Magi, Vol. 14: The Labyrinth Of Magic By Shinobu Ohtaka
  13. Feature & Follow Friday | Rewriting A Book

Coming Up Next Week:

  1. Book Review | Nightwish By Sidney Bristow **This review may or may not be posted depending on how I'm feeling**
  2. NEW RELEASE | Drawn to Fight: Hugo and Meg by Lilliana Anderson
  3. NEW RELEASE | She Will Be Loved by Theresa Troutman
  4. NEW RELEASE | The Road That Leads to Us by Micalea Smeltzer
  5. Cover Reveal | L is for Luminous by Amity Cross
  6. NEW RELEASE | The Art of Stealing Forever by Stella London
  7. NEW RELEASE | Systematic Siege: Provocative Tendencies #2 by N. Isabelle Blanco **There may be a review posted as well**
  8. Waiting on Wednesday
  9. Book Blitz | Wonderwall by M.H. Soars
  10. Graphic Novel Spotlight 
  11. Feature & Follow Friday

What I Read This Week:

**The covers are linked to their Goodreads pages**


Pre-Order These Titles:

Every week I share pre-orders on my Facebook profile and these are the ones I shared this week.

Speaking Greek (Foreign Exchange Series #1) by Selena Laurence - Release date: January 12, 2016

Perfekt Order (The Ære Saga #1) by S.T. Bende - Release Date: December 8, 2015

Demons: A Runes Companion Novel by Ednah Walters - Release date: December 15, 2015

A Cleopatra Hill Christmas (The Witches of Cleopatra Hill #7) by Christine Pope - Release date: December 1, 2015

Exposed: A Madame X Novel by Jasinda Wilder - Release date: March 1, 2016

What's Happening at LIEP Promotions:

**The banners are linked to their event pages**




If the links aren't working and you're interested in reviewing one of these titles, please email me at stinamadsmn(at)hotmail(dot)com. I've been having problems with my website all week.

What's New on Screen Watch:


The lovely S.T. Bende shared a teaser from her novella in the Supernatural Chronicles titled The Asgardians! Release Date: December 21, 2015! Pre-Order Now!


Bittersweet Melody by Belinda Boring is available today!


Here's some early reviews:

"There were strong emotions pulling me in all directions throughout this book, and I felt the characters pain as the start to grow and look to the future. I was gutted when the story ends, and will be hanging on for dear life until the next installment!" ~ Rebecca.

"A truly beautifully poetic story of moving on, letting go, and starting again. Two people with the same loss, one who is trying to move on, while the other chooses punishment. Something that seems as though it should be forbidden is the one thing to give them both the second chance they need. I was fully enthralled with Caylee and Coopers story. It was emotional, deep, and beautiful." ~ Megan Stietz.

"Powerful! This book raises Belinda Boring to a whole other level! The book is extremely well written, from the plot and story line through the development of the characters, to the information on PTSD. I went through so many emotions while reading this book. Coming from a military family myself, I was totally involved in, and truely touched in my heart by the magic written here! Well met Ms. Bels ... no Ms. Evil on this one ... can't wait for the next book! Well met Ms. Bels ... you had me in tears!" ~ Jane Elizabeth Stahl

Check out this amazing review from Ink of Blood for KAOS OBSIDERE by D.C. McGannon & C. Michael McGannon!

That's all I've got for this week! How did your week go?



  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Welcome to the Sunday Post! It's such fun to hop around and see what all everyone has been up to, make new friends, and find new authors, books, and shows. I look forward to your posts!

    My Sunday Post -

    1. photo1679681831166

      Thank you! I've been wanting to do this post for a while now and I finally had the time to do it!


I love reading comments from my visitors - your thoughts on the post, questions you have for me, or just to say hi - all I ask is that you are respectful to me and anyone else who comments on the posts. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll consider sharing this post on your various social sites.

ATTENTION: Any award nominations and TAGS need to be posted to the comments of my About page from now on!

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